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What is your end in mind?

You have learned quite a bit about the American Indian tribes that populated this continent before the arrival of the European explorers. You will now research more about one of the tribes to extend your learning. You will create a presentation that shows all you have learned.


This website contains all of the links to information you will use to create your presentation. Your end in mind is a narrated PowerPoint presentation that you will turn into a video. 



SS3H1 Describe early American Indian cultures and their development in North America.
a. Locate the regions where American Indians settled in North America: Arctic, Northwest Southwest, Plains, Northeast, and Southeast.
b. Compare and contrast how American Indians in each region used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter.
c. Discuss how American Indians continue to contribute to American life (e.g., arts, literature)



Presentation Requirements

Each presentation must have a total of 6 slides. You must have a:

  1. Title slide

  2. History Slide

  3. Region Slide (detail the physical nature of their region)

  4. Comparison Slide (create a table or chart and compare and contrast how the tribes you studied used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter, please compare and contrast at least 3 tribes)

  5. Modern Day Slide (how do American Indians continue to contribute to American life?)

  6. Citations Slide

Slide 1 must have the name of your tribe, an image representing the tribe, and your name.

Slides 2 - 6 must have a title at the top (for example: History of the Inuit for slide 2), 2 facts written in complete sentences, and an image to represent that topic. 

The citations slide must provide a reference to the sources of your images and your research information. 


Your presentation will then be narrated with embedded transitions so that we can turn it into a video.

Documents you will use:


Photo sites you will use:




Music and research sites you will use:

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